Friday, July 15, 2011

国际志工简介。[Tadaa~Brief introduction about 3 international volunteers]

嗨,我是侯倩。 目前我在加拿大蒙特里爾就讀Mcgrill大學。我是在台中人,在九歲時和家人移民到加拿大溫哥華。我在台灣完成國小一二年級,之後到加拿大繼續升學。如今我在大學主修會計但還在猶豫要副修國際貿易還是金融。選擇在台灣知本度過我的暑假有好幾個原因: 第一,我想更瞭解出生地的文化。自小就移民去加拿大的我,沒有機會好好的瞭解及觸碰台灣的文化。第二,身為商科學生,我喜歡觀察各個國家的貿易方式,這樣能讓我的國際視野更開闊。除此之外,探訪當地原住民能讓我更瞭解台灣的文化。最後,中文不好的我也想在台灣與當地的居民好好的練習中文!


哈囖,大家好!我是詩慧,綽號LALA! 我是來自馬來西亞的國際志工。很高興有機會能為台東知本森林遊樂區服務,以及能來台灣見識一下台灣的人文風情。也感謝東吳大學和台東林務局,聯辦這個特別的專案,讓我們有機會參與這裡的一切。選擇參與這個專案的原因是因為熱愛大自然的我想要趁這個機會回歸大自然及享受大自然的所有。也或許因為當我完成這個專案的同時,我就即將踏入社會工作了,所以我要盡我所能的好好充電及自我充實!綠色能量,我來咯!就這樣,接下來的兩個月里我會和另外兩個同伴一起介紹知本森林遊樂區及台東的旅遊景點,請大家拭目以待!

My name is Katherina and I am currently a university student studying at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. I was originally born in Taichung, Taiwan, and immigrated to Vancouver, Canada, when I was 9 years old. I attended elementary grade 1 and 2 in Taiwan before moving to Canada where I completed the rest of my elementary and secondary education. Right now, I am majoring in Accounting with an undecided minor in either International Business or Finance. I decided to spend my summer at Jhihben for a couple of reasons. First of all, I wanted to learn more about the culture of my birth country. Since I moved to Canada at such an early age, I never really had the maturity and opportunity to learn to appreciate the culture of Taiwan. As a student interested in understanding business on an international aspect, I would like to take the time this summer to not only learn more about the current culture of Taiwan but to also learn about the different aboriginal cultures in Taitung. Additionally, this would be a great opportunity to first handily observe the logistics and the cultural differences of how a business is ran in a different country. Last of all, especially with the large exponential growth of business in China and Asia in the last few years, I would like to improve my Chinese. Since moving to Canada, the only time I needed and have used Chinese was with my parents and in high school when I chose Chinese as my language elective. By coming to Jhiben, I would have more initiative to improve my Chinese when I interact with everyone here.

Hi~ my name is Yee Sing. I come from Malaysia. My hometown is at Kedah state, near the border of Penang state. I’m studying International Business Management at Northern University of Malaysia. I like natural environment and outdoor activities. That’s why I have some knowledge on wild animals and plants, yup~ just a little bit… Haha! Last year I found that AIESEC offers an opportunity for universities students to go for exchange in other countries. I was interested in the exchange program. Because I’m facing some financial problem, so I choose Taiwan to go for exchange. When I saw the job description of this internship program, I can imagine the situation while working at Jhihben National Forest Recreation Area. So, everything is fine for me when I reach here and I did not feel regret for choosing this project. I’m looking forward on the coming event of this internship. Even though there is no direct connection between my fields of study with this internship, but I think that everyone who living on the earth have the responsibilities to take care of the natural environment, no matter who we are and what courses we are taking. Besides that, we must also ensure that the next generations have the opportunity to reach out their hand and experience the real wildlife.

Hello guys! I’m one of the international volunteer, Sze Hui aka Lala. I’m a Chinese from Malaysia where the country is a multi-cultural pot in South East Asia. Currently, I’m a fresh graduate from National University of Malaysia and will look for any jobs related to Food Science and Nutrition after this project ends. XD~ Okay, I’m joining this volunteer project through AIESEC Go-Exchange program, so if anyone interested with this kind of projects, please do contact your local AIESEC committee! So for the next 2 months, we will post everything related to Jhihben Forest Recreation Area and some of the tourist spots in Taitung. Sound great? YEAH! Do visit our website whenever you are free! Stay tune~

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